art fair, Seattle
August 3-6 2017
Represented by Back Gallery Project
art fair, Seattle
August 3-6 2017
Represented by Back Gallery Project
art fair, SF
Works presented by Back Gallery Project, booth 204, April 28-30th 2017, Art Market San Francisco fair
public art
February to July 2017:
4-panel lightbox at Aberdeen Canada Line station, Richmond BC. Presented in partnership by Capture Photography Festival and the City of Richmond Public Art Program.
A review of "Paracosmic Sun" in Vancouver is Awesome by Sunshine Frere
paracosmic sun, Vancouver
February 9 – March 7, 2017
Solo exhibition at Back Gallery Project
602 E Hastings St. Vancouver, BC
Opening Reception: February 8, 5-8pm
Artist Talk: Saturday, February 25 at 2pm
Read the exhibition essay by Edwin Janzen here.
Espace art actuel magazine published an in-depth review by Edwin Janzen of my solo exhibition "Staring at the Sun" at Joyce Yahouda Gallery.
La revue Espace art actuel a publié un article signé Edwin Janzen sur mon exposition ''Fixer le soleil'' présentée à la galerie Joyce Yahouda.
cover feature
Voir avec les yeux fermés: Vision trouble d'Annie Briard par l'écrivaine et chercheure Valérie Mandia revisite mon exposition à La maison des artistes à Winnipeg et fait la couverture de la revue Liaison no. 173.
Liaison magazine published a cover feature about my Winnipeg exhibition 'Vision Trouble' by writer and researcher Valérie Mandia in no. 173.
My exhibition "Vision Trouble" at La maison des artistes in Winnipeg was reviewed in Winnipeg Free Press by Steven Leyden Cochrane.
Meridianos Cristalinos, Cadiz
The solo exhibition "Meridianos Cristalinos" will be presented at the ECCO museum in Cadiz, Spain.